Saturday, April 4, 2009

Web Walkthroughs Captured as Mini-Movies

I've been looking around for a tool that allows me to capture short movies of web walkthroughs for a while now. I could fork out some bucks and go to the trouble of installing new software, etc. but I was hoping I could find something free and web 2.0 ish which does the job. Imagine my delight to stumble across Screentoaster which is not only free and works perfectly, but it requires no download. It lives on the web - your company network adminstrator will thank you for one less application to worry about. You just go to the website and press RECORD. It could not be more simple. You can add audio, and subtitles, and even connect a webcam and record a movie within a movie. The finished masterwork can be saved as a .mov, or Flash file or uploaded there and then to YouTube. Not sure how stable the product is or the degree of support. But, hey its free, so who cares.

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