Monday, April 20, 2009

3DTLC April 20 Afternoon Update 2

Duke are leading a panel around designing for virtual worlds. First demo was a meeting in 2nd Life. The presenter can show everything from their viewpoint using a special command. So all participants screen views can be manipulated. Interesting but a lot of detail for a 2nd life presentation. Hey wait, he just projected a live feed from his webcam to a 3D screen in the 2nd life world. Now Visual Purple are on stage. See their simulaton demo on their website to get an idea of their design ability. Looked impressive. Next a presenter talked about his experiences: it snot about technology its about behaviour, its not about being there, its doing. Its not about the theory but the gaming - it makes you learn and the triumph of winning. Look at the physics - put someone scared of heights into a simulation. Its about the rewards, ownership and distribution.

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