Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3DTLC Some Highlights

What will virtual worlds look like in 5 years? 1. More consolidation 2. We will be immersed in the 3D environment not looking at a screen. 3. Better integration with a browser 4. Better AI using online Bots 5. Augmented Reality takes over from Virtual Worlds and 6. Integration of physical and virtual worlds. Virtual Worlds Roadmap Great initiative. By working on a Wiki with multiple experts in the field they hope to plan out the key steps and what essentially needs to be done to create a better, more commercially acceptable virtual world that meets our needs and that has much better interoperability with other systems. How BP Used 3D World Protosphere for Training? Used initially for graduade meetings to build networks. In the past they spent over USD 5m on a physicial event. This was cancelled so they looked for an alternative. Critical was getting senior executives running sessions in the 3D world. It was a big success and now that the world is built it is being used by many other departments. Key is not to use too many powerpoint slides but use images and talk about them. Critical to make it work was to setup a support team to manage the technology, make sure everyone had headsets, look after executives, etc. Joe Little the CTO from BP commented that technology was not the main concern but changing behaviour and influencing political groups is key. As CTO he made sure the technical issues like firewall configurations were handles well in advance. They host externally. Disability Support Groups Person with a disability talking in 2nd life about her peer support group. Very impression on how virtual worlds allow people to connect even with disabilities. Virtual Police Man now on talking about a volunteer virtual police force in a 3D world. Crimes: stalking,, flaming, damaging property. Scary stuff. They use virtual worlds to train virtual cops. They show them how to approach and eject people violating the rules of the world.

1 comment:

James Corbett said...

Great reporting Liam and valuable motivation for myself and Keith Kennedy who have recently received approval for our project proposal in association with Gaelscoil.com to recreate a virtual Europe for "Commemorate Europe Day". We'll be getting our primary school kids to represent their Irish and European culture in an Opensim (opensource Second Life) based sim.