Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 Predictions for Learning

Hope everyone enjoyed the holdiay break. I spent a lot of time trying out new technologies and finally gave in and bought the 360 xbox to sit alongside my wii. I nearly invested in the Playstation 3 but with Blueray players going down in price and the sales of PS3 slowing, I decided to opt for the 360 as I feel they will be around for a while. I also did a lot of mobile updates with text, photos and video and setup a channel that I broadcast over the past two weeks.
So what will be hot in 2009?
I will stick my neck out on a few choice predictions that I feel should materialize if the climate is appropriate. First up, I feel mobile learning should see an uptake. With all the new mobile touch-screen devices on the market from Blackberry, HTC and Apples iPhone, more learners should see invites to take one-minute learning wherever they are and upload the scores to a slim LMS app. In this category of mobile learning, I can see podcasting being used more as Trainers realize the benefit of short visual elements to get their message across. Key here is a focus on the content and who cares if the quality is more YouTube than Hollywood - welcome to the "I want the information now" age. Secondly, social networking will replace that old term Knowledge Management as the standard way people connect and collaborate - they want content that fits their tastes and lifestyle - its happening now everyday outside the firewall, we only need to think how to make it common workplace practice to extend its potential in a business learning environment. Learning will be more user-centric. Users will take more control of their learning and demand shorter, smarter and contextual learning items - KISS or keep it short and sweet. Finally, I also see gaming consoles like the wii being used more in some form of training. Think of of all the possibilities with its rich interactivity - this area is just waiting to explode. Marry gaming with mobile and we could have a creative easy-to-access convenient new channel for delivering "just in time learning".
Happy new year!

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