Friday, February 6, 2009

Social Media Workshop

Just came back from a stimulating, and at times heated discussion, on making social media in our company "business as usual". After 7 hours of an action-packed agenda looks like we are well on the way to kicking off some concrete initiatives around communication, sponsorship, education and implementation. So who turned up and led this challenging event? 16 social media thought leaders and power users from IT, Marketing, Development and Communications (and other departments) gathered from all over the world in a small room on our campus with ample supply of food and caffeine to thrash out a plan. The next 18 months will be critical to the success of this project and its going to be interesting to see how the general population reacts to an increased focus on these channels. I know in the training area, any move to introduce and scale up new productivity tools and collaboration spaces will be extremely welcome. So, overall a successful and highly productive day. When I look back on it, just getting all of us into this workshop for a full day was a major achievement in itself and demonstrates a strong desire and passion to bring us to the next level.

1 comment:

Brad at Pharma said...

Awesome. A picture in which I don't feel like I look like a dork!!!

This was a good meeting. I think we had some seriously productive conversations.
