Sunday, November 9, 2008

Take a trip to Learningtown - You'll be pleasantly surprised

I just joined Learningtown, a community of learning enthusiasts run by Elliott Masie of The MASIE Center. Actually its not really run by Masie. Its hosted by his group. The real running is done by the users of this platform, now numbering 6,469 from all over the world. Its a well put together offering with loads of social media-rich features and tools, with the added bonus of being free of charge - and so far as I can tell, vendor-neutral. If you have anything to do with training at our company this is worth checking out.
The site or Village as they call it, is designed to promote the sharing of best practices and information and allows you to setup your own blog or subscribe to an RSS feed of blogs of interest. You can add specialist groups that interest you. I have already added NextGen Learning, Podcasting for Learning and 3D Virtual worlds. If that wasn't enough, you can also create your own site (with a theme) and set your profile - with your interests, expertise level, photo, etc. Other features I liked include an IM widget so that if your colleagues are online you can send them an instant message.
The main page has alerts and latest activity in a constantly live updated portlet and as with all good social network sites, you can also rate content so you know what is currently popular with the crowd. Finally, you can add and share photos and videos. Well worth a visit. Who knows you may find me hanging out in the Village discussing the latest 3D learning solutions.

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