Saturday, May 18, 2013

The perfect health-tracking device

As we wait for wearable health-tracking device companies (like Fitbit, jawbone Up and Nike) to allow us to synch our data to one integrated platform, here is my wishlist for the perfect device. Must be part of what we normally carry not something additional we have to think about. So ideally a watch. Must synch wirelessly in the background without fiddly cables or having to pull apart and connect to another device. Hello bluetooth. Should have the capability to track steps, distance travelled, calories burned, sleep, and mood tracking. For the sporty, build in GPS and speed tracking (think Garmin 610). Like Amiigo it should also track your heart rate. Throw in smart alarms (wake up refreshed), at least 10 days battery life, and make it shower proof. How should it look? Marry the Nike SportWatch with the Fitbit Flex, a touch of Apple design, and you have a killer watch that blends in beautifully with your busy lifestyle. Oh and it must be under 99 dollars. 

Photo: Amiigo

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Intelligent Plaster

Going for a run in the future could include slapping on a digital plaster. Wearable computing takes a step closer.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Eight Digital Marketing Trends

Some suprising trends and ideas from this article. Love the Apple experience using your iTunes account to quickly pay in their store. The convergence of TV and social channels also seems to be heating up.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Great digital marketing campaigns

Cool site with nice iPad interface that catalogues some really amazing digital marketing and viral campaigns. The Digital Buzz also shows some amazing videos and with clever tagging, easily searchable DB, and ratings - its highly addictive.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Inspirational Video - The Future?

This is one of those videos that I love and feel really inspired just letting it play through. It takes you on a journey into the future and makes it all so real. Watch "A Day Made of Glass" which captures one companys vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it. I can see the Apple iPhone v7 or v9 tapping into this dream. Maybe even Microsoft tweaking the Surface to incorporate some of these themes. Watch and Enjoy.

Advertising That Saves Lives

Great example of using the power of interactive billboards to trigger an emotional response from the end user. This display is aimed at attracting people to jobs in public health. As you sit at the bus stop you hear a beeping sound (scarily familiar to almost everyone) that indicates someone has flatlined or died. The billboard invites you to put your hands on the patients chest and bring tham back to life creating the feeling you can save lives. Powerful. View the video here.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Interactive Billboards Wows Consumers

This is truely magic. A billboard detects if you are closeby and invites you to particpate in a game that you control directly from your phone. (No app download needed). Players interact live with the massive billboard and if you have a high score, you win a voucher for free food at the restaurant. The voucher is sent to your phone for redeeming at the restaurant. Nice. Take a look here.