Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mobile 2020

Yesterday was a cool day. I took my blood pressure and (after the shock) with the push of a button transmitted the results via bluetooth to my mobile phone which updated an Internet website. If I can do this today - what will tomorrow bring? This obviously got me thinking about next generation mobile and whats around the corner.

With this in mind, check out this great video from MOCOM2020 that gets you thinking of how the world of mobile will look like in 2020. Click on the Future Vision Video from their homepage. MOCOM 2020 is a non-profit open think tank for mobile media and communication worldwide. It seems to be an interesting group of leading thinkers, visionaries, entrepreneurs and academics in the field of mobile communication.

If you have the time and you are as curious and eager to learn as myself then hop over to this slideshare - its a terrific collection of mobile trends spanning the next 10 years.

Finally, here are some exciting thoughts from all of this research that stuck in my mind mixed from visions from my side on how mobile could shape up over the next 5-10 years.
  • Health Lifelogging
  • Telemedicine with a mobile with built in diagnostic technology
  • Sensors in the phone measure and record your vital signs, your surrounding environment, and even emotions
  • Mobile payment
  • ePaper
  • Mobile Social Marketing
  • Senors in everyday objects communicate with your phone: doors, cash registers, vending machines, the fridge, a bottle of water, advertising, posters, your keys, the car, etc.
  • Augmented Reality will allow you to scan co-workers and meeting participants and with face-recognition technology match them to their LinkedIn, Facebook or Other Online Profile
Mobile is definitely the future of personal and professional communications if my usage is anything to go by. Outside of my company BB, I use my iPhone about 20 times a day for reading, blogging, researching, gaming, learning, email, IM, GPS, networking, listening to music, watching videos, tweeting, photographing, video making, sms, ooops yes even phoning. So jump onboard the mobile bandwagon and prepare for an exciting and mind-blowing ride - no strings attached.

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