Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mir:ror: RFID tags for Training?

Not sure if anyone has a Nabaztag. This slightly quirky idea orginated in France a few years back. I bought one about two years ago much to the dismay of my family (we are still talking). Its an interactive Rabbit that connects to the Internet and pulls in news, information, messages, and a whole host of audio and (visual) driven wireless services. Now from the same company comes Mir:ror which brings the world of RFID tags to the home or office. Basically you buy a batch of RFID tags (called Zstamps) and stick them on everyday objects, even people. Once you hold the tags over the Mir:ror which is connected to your computer it reads back associated information or can even send information to Facebook, open files, or email a message, etc. depending on what was programmed for that particular chip. Stay with with me on this as it is hard to visual why you would even bother. Lets say you have a training event. You could programme a bunch of tags and include them on the printed invitation. Once a student flashes the tag over his/her Mir:ror it pulls up a website or multimedia files to support the training. It could potentially also be assigned to student profiles. Once they come to a training venue you pass the tags over the Mir:ror and they are fully confirmed as registered. Saving on admin work. I am sure I could think up loads more ideas but lets leave it at that for now. Try it for yourself - the future of learning is in your hands.

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