Saturday, May 16, 2009

Trends in Learning Technologies (May 2009)

Every now and again I have the urge to map out some key trends in the area of technology and innovation that are shaping how we implement and rollout our learning strategies. Its a moving target so I have setup a mindmap on which plays nicely into this post as it is one of the technologies that could form part of your learning approaches. I hope to update this map as time rolls on and new technologies influence the market. Here are a few of the tools, platforms and trends that should be on your radar screen:
  • Blogging using microblogging tools such as Twitter, Yammer, full Blogs like, user controlled and driven, group blogs

  • Video - such as podcasting, use of video sharing sites like YouTube, iPods, mobile usage, see iPhone access to YouTube

  • Mobile - SMS, Mobile Sites, the iPhone and its many applications, Phone Cameras, 2D Barcodes, augmented reality

  • LMS - shift to the web Software as a Service = growth of cloud computing, Integration with HR systems, Adding a social network layer

  • Virtual Worlds - early days but think of simulations, online meetings, simulations, augmented reality coming soon

  • Gaming - you can't ignore the massive uptake of the wii, Nintendo Lite, x-box. mobile gaming - see iPhone games and applications

  • Social Networks - informal learning, RSS - control over my content, user generated content, sharing, peer reviews, group projects on wikis and blogs, my groups, shat

  • Interactive Surfaces - the affordable touchscreen from HP, interactive whiteboards, Microsoft Surface, iPhone screens

  • Virtual Classrooms - with the recent swine flu scare limiting travel, and the need to be more green and travel less, web conferencing can only grow more step maybe via a mobile device

In a nutshell, design learning in a framework that takes full advantage of (in particular) the growth of mobile, social networks (social messaging), and online video (and hey think about moving everything to the web - cloud computing is on the rise). Stay tuned for more updates.

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