Saturday, March 21, 2009

8 Ways to Use an iPod in the Classroom

iPods? What are they good for? Absolutely something. I hope training. In fact I strongly believe these easy-to-use pocket-friendly tools can add a lot of value to the training experience. Here are my top eight tips on how to use them to supplement classroom training. Learning on the go has never been easier.

  1. Convert powerpoints (the non-busy ones, please) and other class presentations to iPod friendly images and store them on your device for review before, during and post-class
  2. Provide motivation and inspiration through edgy videos with key thought leaders and peers
  3. Add Flash Cards to test knowledge, or add a Quiz with a tool like iQuiz Maker
  4. Provide reference, tutorial guides, tips, agendas, or glossaries, that students can immediately access to support classroom training
  5. Add presenter audiobooks to reinenforce key messages, or buy licenses to access the words of wisdom from gurus like Tom Peters, etc.
  6. Offer iPod friendly group photos or videos from the class to bond students and create fond memories of a terrific learning experience
  7. Add Notes to preview or reference during key sections of a class or to when viewing a poster, powerpoint, etc.
  8. Finally, and maybe most importantly, open a communications channel to class participants by allowing them to subscribe to an iTunes channel that provides a constant stream of fresh information to keep the students engaged long after the class finishes (ideas: contact details of participants to promote networking, details of next class, answers to any open questions posted during the class, class presentations, class photos or videos, testimonials, tutor contact details, etc. )

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