Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Web 2.0 Tools Do We Use?

Its timely ro reflect on what tools and platforms we are using inhouse to promote social networking and information exchange. The e-Leadership Conference begins tomorrow so these topics are top of mind as we begin the big debate.

I recently, did a quick analysis of our use of iTunes and YouTube externally and was surprised how little we use these mass communication tools to get our messages across. The key takeaway was that many other companies i.e. our competitors are - so why don't we? Internally, we have our 5-Live podcasting channel available over our Intranet and via the internal iTunes server (although nor yet a Global service). Other BUs beyond GM&S also do make videos and host them either on iTunes or their own sites.

But as a regular podcasting subscription service to push our information - some BUs do and some don't but... luckily there is a growing awareness and positive attitude to receiving these new channels.

On the blogging front our company is more active with Oncology, UK, Marketing, and CEO level, etc. producing regular entries. A great tool exists that allows anyone in the company to setup their own blog in a matter of minutes. Externally, and to no surprise, we are less prominent. Maybe this will change - it will be an interesting discussion at the e-Leadership meeting as we open up the floor for discussion. Again, here is an interesting area that our competitors are exploring so we need to ask why not us and find out what are rules and guidelines to enter this new media, to blog or not to blog, to whom and whether it should be a one or two-way street.

These tools may become more prevalent as we move towards a Global SharePoint platform which allows participants to setup these web 2.0 tools quickly and easily as they are already built in as standard functionality.

Locating an active Wiki internally is not so apparent but then I have not looked extensively. I believe a major maintenance part of a wiki is keeping it alive, fresh and up to date. An often asked question is how do you know the content is accurate? To be continued...

A real social network like Facebook or MySpace (or think LinkedIn) is still to show up internally but I believe this will be a major turning point for how we work. I can't wait to move to this next stage as being able to join a like-minded community and see each others profile and project work will be a huge boost to productivity and the sharing of information. I already use Facebook activity externally, so with a version available internally it would add an additional layer of value to my work and obviously extend collaboration and my network.

A also really think the use of small applications or widgets that are included in a social network (Facebook has hundreds) are terrific and make a lot of sense from a consistent programming point of view, cost and ease of use and access.

The next step is to make the professional network available over a (secure) mobile device like the iPhone or iTouch. But now maybe I'm going too far. Walk before we run. Right? Its hard when the future sits just outside our firewall and you can touch it already.

How long do we have to wait before we can play in this rich and diverse communications playgound? Not long I hope.

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