Friday, June 27, 2008

e-Learning Trends 2008

Worth clicking over to Survey to view results from an interesting Survey on Trends in e-Learning that was conducted in November and December 2007. Learning Circuits and E-Learning News polled their readers on how they’re using e-learning in their organizations. Results are based on 293 responses. Some highlights include: over 60% use Authoring Tools and roughly 50% (like us) use LMS, Virtual Classroom and Testing Assessment Tools. It showed there is also a lot of room for outsourcing- with most technical support, web development and reporting taking place currently inhouse. Not surprisingly, it also showed employee buy-in, time commitment, and cost to maintain, as the biggest concerns when trying to rollout e-elearning. Other responses included "culture does not support e-learning" and e-learning is not perceived as "real training". Now where have we heard that before.

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